Children’s Ministry

Knowing that children are a precious gift from God, the Little Lambs nursery ministry is committed to earning the confidence of every parent who entrusts their child to our care. Our dedicated and loving volunteers strive to share the love of Christ with each child, while maintaining a safe, clean, and welcoming atmosphere.  Our spacious and recently remodeled nursery is age appropriate and designed for the mobility of infants and the various activities of toddlers. Parents can utilize the nursery ministry with confidence and peace of mind knowing their child is in a safe and caring environment, enabling them to enjoy each service at Victory Baptist Church.
Like an adult church service, Children’s Church is a worship service with songs and Bible teaching in a group setting.  But unlike an adult service, Children’s Church adds action songs, sword drills and Bible stories to keep the children thoroughly engaged and interacting with the Bible.  This fun learning environment is perfect for their eager attention and for imparting to them a love for God’s Word.  As a complement to the adult service, Children’s Church lays a solid foundation of biblical truth that prepares the K-4 through 4th grade children to understand the preaching in the adult services.
Star Base Victory is a children’s Bible program written and designed by Dr. Kevin Lucas, our Minister of Education. Our motto is “Training Kidz for Life Beyond the Stars.” We meet every Wednesday starting at 6:30 p.m. from September through May. It is for ages Kindergarten through 6th Grade. Children participate in Bible lessons, Bible memory, music, craft projects, and games all centered around teaching them the principle of God’s Word. T-shirts are available for all children and the possibility to win medals after the completion of each section.
Missionary Kidz is a children’s Bible program written and designed by our pastor’s wife Terri Hamm. We meet every Wednesday starting at 6:30 p.m. from June through August. Each week we highlight a different missionary from the past or present and whenever possible we have our missionaries Skype during the class time to speak live with the children and answer their questions after the missionary story. Each night is filled with Bible truths, Scripture memory, music, crafts, costumes, and food from the region of the missionary. This is a dynamic ministry for the children throughout the summer months that seeks to help them know Jesus Christ better, to give them a practical understanding of missions, and to enable them to reach others with the gospel truth.
At Victory Baptist Church, it is our goal to teach the Bible in a way children will learn and remember throughout life. Our children’s Sunday School is divided into three groups that are age appropriate; K3-K5, 1st -3rd grades and 4th -6th grades. Our teachers love children and are well equipped and prepared to teach your children. Our curriculum consist of Positive Action for Christ, Joyful Life, and Regular Baptist Press. All classes include Christ-honoring music, Bible memory and work sheets. We also provide craft time and coloring for our lower grades.
Every summer we have Vacation Bible School with a different theme centered on God’s word. Our VBS includes Opening assembly, Bible lessons, memory verses, very funny skits, crafts, snacks, game time and ends with closing assembly each night with a time for decisions. We also host a cook out at mid-week and pizza party on closing night for this event.
Every summer around the first or second week of June we take our children to The Wilds Christian Camp for Junior Boot Camp which runs from Monday-Saturday. We have in-house fund raisers and camp scholarship provided by our church family to make sure each child is able to go. We are convinced The Wilds is one of the greatest investments we make in the lives of our children as a church. It’s amazing to see how God works in the heart of each child during this special week. Visit The Wilds website